Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Free Post: Mother Earth

Our beautiful earth. Why would anyone want to harm this diverse place? It produces the air we breathe everyday, it is our provider. So what can we do in return? We can take care and cherish the world. It may seem like a big responsibility, but the job is not impossible. If everyone picked up just three pieces of trash everyday, the world would be about 136 billion pieces cleaner each week! Image what we could do in a year! We just have to make time to start this domino effect.

Here is a link, to a website that provides the facts and possible ways to help:

The millions of tons of trash being dumped each year significantly influence the Pacific Ocean and its marine life. The atolls, northwest of our Hawaiian Islands are becoming extremely damaged and seem to be the magnet of all the trash in the Pacific. Recent studies have shown that majority of the local sea birds stomachs are filled with trash. They easily mistake the plastics and debris for food and even feed it to their babies which commonly kills them. Luckily this issue has been recently brought up and much more effort has been put in.

The issue comes back to why it is important to protect our earth. The earth provides life and beauty and peace, we aren���t much without it. Any little thing can help, so the next time you see a piece of trash rolling towards a drainage ditch, pick it up, it will only do good!

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