Monday, March 26, 2007

Free Write: What's Wrong

OK Go Music Video

Now I’m sure you’re wondering why I put this video on my blog. And I’m sure you’re expecting me to talk about how funny and amazing this video is, but I am not going to do that.

13,203,301… that is the number of views this video has. 13,203,301 are more views than the entire population of Pennsylvania! Honestly, I cannot believe how many people have spent the time to watch this Ok Go video. Don't get me wrong, I think it’s really interesting and have probably watched it about three or four times. But as I was comparing the amount views of this video, to the views of the videos like, The African Dream, or Make Poverty History I found that they only have 3,405 views. If you think about it which is more important, watching four guys dance on treadmills or seeing what tremendously terrible tragedies are occurring in Africa right now as you read this? If 13,203,301 people watched just one of the inspiring Africa videos, I think the level of motivation put into saving Africa, would be WAY GREATER! There is so much to learn, and so much that even I don't know. Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”… and therefore we can do anything!

1 comment:

Chelsea 7:30 BDF said...

Haha. I have never seen that video, but it's pretty cool. Yeah, I totally see what you are saying about how we, as the people, do not take into account or consider what really matters. Instead, we just focus on entertainment. Nevertheless, I can not help but say that the video was still really cool. Talk to you later, bye!