Thursday, March 1, 2007

Essential Question 1: Poverty

For this post I am going to change my essential question to focus on kids all around the world. Something like, What will make a child's life unforgettable? Instead, of focusing on myself I would like to view things from the eyes of others. It has made me realize how lucky I am to have a roof over my head and best of all, a family to always love me. I have watched many videos today that were extremely shocking. I have seen kids who aren't out of diapers yet and don't have a home to live in. Kids who are ill and struggle daily. Kids who would cry out of joy, for receiving just a Barbie, something so simple as that is the highlight of their day. Children who don't know what it's like to have a mom or dad. Just having food on the table is a blessing. It is hard to imagine how truly lucky we all are. And to those who work to make these children's lives better everyday, you are the greatest heroes of all.

This video tells what is really happening around the world. Africa has a major poverty crisis which needs to be addressed immediately. It explains everything that needs to be said. One dreadful fact I found about poverty was that if we supplied 6.3 billion people in the world with food, there would be 200 million still in need. That has to tell you that something is wrong and needs to be done. Hopefully this clip will inspire you to make a difference.

Please watch this is the TRUTH
You can visit to sign a petition to make poverty history. You do not have to pay a fee, just type your name in and it will be a great help. 2 million have already signed, but they are still looking for more. It is a reliable site and everthing goes towards poverty in Africa. So please check it out.

1 comment:

Chelsea 7:30 BDF said...

Wow...Our posts really are similar...But, it is for a VERY important cause so i guess the more posts about it the better!..haha...yeah.....we both joined ONE...i feel so good inside...hahah...that sounds corny, but I really am happy that i yeah...oh by the way...if you like that song you should check out the version by Bono and Mary J Blige....its pretty cool....alright, well this comment is getting to be very i will save you the time of reading approximately four more pages on how I feel bad about Africa....but you get the the way, great job on your post. see you later.