Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ghost Story

Our old house on the water, in Kaneohe, was home to many spirits, ghosts, and ancient Hawaiian legends. Our family would hear and see these supernatural beings almost everyday, but mainly during the time that darkness swallows the earth. The confinement felt as if a pair of endless, erratic, eyes were embedded in the ceiling, watching our every blink, as our eyes gradually slipped into a deep sleep. Almost like the house itself, had carried on each generation of residents like a book carries on its history. But, the house didn’t convey a heart-dropping-stomach-tingling-experience. The spirits never attempted to hurt us, they just presented many mind-blowing reminders that they were too, present in the house.

The encounter began when my mom spotted an orange flame out of the corner of her eye. The night was still, with dead winds, and dangerous silence. My mom put me down for bed and returned to the movie she and my dad were watching. A half hour later, the movie ended and my mom shut off the television as the credits reeled from the bottom to the top of the screen. My parents flicked off all of the house lights and headed for the bedroom. A reflection emerged on the back window, like a line of bright yellow carpenter ants scurrying across the glass. There was just one problem, carpenter ants aren’t flaming yellow. My parents stood in a daze, as they watched the mysterious lights float by, wondered where the lights were coming from, and feared the events that would follow. “Wait, that isn’t a reflection”, my dad thought to himself. It was miniature torches floating slightly above the water in the distance. Once my dad caught a quick glance at the tiny figures carrying the torches it hit him, “Night Marchers!”

“What did you say Lou? What is it?” my mom questioned.

“Karrie, do not look them in the eye or you will go blind” as he rushed to turn her away from the window, her eyes glued to the traveling flames. My dad grew up on Big Island, so he knew all about the remarkable Hawaiian legends. The Night Marchers were the second ghostly presence in the house. From that time on, the dead winds and silent nights brought with them more than stillness. They brought the Night Marchers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Free Post: Mother Earth

Our beautiful earth. Why would anyone want to harm this diverse place? It produces the air we breathe everyday, it is our provider. So what can we do in return? We can take care and cherish the world. It may seem like a big responsibility, but the job is not impossible. If everyone picked up just three pieces of trash everyday, the world would be about 136 billion pieces cleaner each week! Image what we could do in a year! We just have to make time to start this domino effect.

Here is a link, to a website that provides the facts and possible ways to help:

The millions of tons of trash being dumped each year significantly influence the Pacific Ocean and its marine life. The atolls, northwest of our Hawaiian Islands are becoming extremely damaged and seem to be the magnet of all the trash in the Pacific. Recent studies have shown that majority of the local sea birds stomachs are filled with trash. They easily mistake the plastics and debris for food and even feed it to their babies which commonly kills them. Luckily this issue has been recently brought up and much more effort has been put in.

The issue comes back to why it is important to protect our earth. The earth provides life and beauty and peace, we aren���t much without it. Any little thing can help, so the next time you see a piece of trash rolling towards a drainage ditch, pick it up, it will only do good!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Free Write: What's Wrong

OK Go Music Video

Now I’m sure you’re wondering why I put this video on my blog. And I’m sure you’re expecting me to talk about how funny and amazing this video is, but I am not going to do that.

13,203,301… that is the number of views this video has. 13,203,301 are more views than the entire population of Pennsylvania! Honestly, I cannot believe how many people have spent the time to watch this Ok Go video. Don't get me wrong, I think it’s really interesting and have probably watched it about three or four times. But as I was comparing the amount views of this video, to the views of the videos like, The African Dream, or Make Poverty History I found that they only have 3,405 views. If you think about it which is more important, watching four guys dance on treadmills or seeing what tremendously terrible tragedies are occurring in Africa right now as you read this? If 13,203,301 people watched just one of the inspiring Africa videos, I think the level of motivation put into saving Africa, would be WAY GREATER! There is so much to learn, and so much that even I don't know. Sir Francis Bacon once said, “Knowledge is power”… and therefore we can do anything!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Essential Question 5: Runaway Love...

If you only listen to the beat of these songs they will be the average song you would hear on the radio. But if you carefully listen to all the words, these songs are deeper than tune, and they tell the truth. They aren’t happy, but are honest. The lyrics talk about kids that are struggling in America as well as the entire world. But what I like most about these two songs, are they both send out a message. The message is that although you may not think so there are people who know how you’re feeling and someone does care about you. In Runaway Love, it mentions that everything is going to be ok, giving children confidence to deal with their situations.

These songs weren’t made to win best album, but to help the kids who have to live with these problems. It not only gives them advice, but hope, and without hope we are without attempt, attempt to make it better. I trust that these songs will one day save a life and turn it into a dream. Or they might just be an inspiration to get through each day. Whatever they are, they will lend a hand, no matter what. “So close your eyes, it's going to be ok”.

Essential Question 4: Pay It Forward

Last night I was watching a movie on TBS that gave out a superb message. It was an impacting idea created by a seventh grade boy. Although this movie was not based on a true story I would like to think that we could make it come true.

The idea was from the movie, Pay It Forward. A boy named Trevor was given a assignment by his social studies teacher, to “change the world”. He thought hard about how someone so small, like himself, could change the world. As he was biking home, he came upon a homeless man and decided to take the man home with him. He wasn't afraid and his mom wouldn't notice, being that she was an alcoholic and didn't act as a responsible parent. Trevor was trying to help the homeless man get back on his feet again as a start for his assignment. Then the idea, of how he could change the world came to him:

This is an actual clip from the movie which I believe, shows us that it is possible to change the world. All you have to do is come up with an idea and put it into action.

Eventually, Trevor's idea of "Pay It Forward" spread and a reporter visited to get his story. He interviewed Trevor asking how he had come up with the idea and if he was proud of himself. Trevor just shrugged happily and said that it made sense to help others who could then help more people. And that so many people could be affected by this chain of thought. Trevor was so happy to see what an affect Pay It Forward had on his community. All this time he thought his idea was just a failure.

As he was leaving the interview, he saw a classmate being beat up by a couple of boys in the hall. When he went to help, one the bullies.... I cannot tell you the ending. Maybe it's because it is too sad or maybe because the emotions can't possibly be expressed in words. I would strongly suggest watching this movie because it is a great example of how, even what seems to be impossible, really is possible.

Esential Question 3: The Children

Look around you. What do you see? Have you ever stopped to realize how lucky you are? Even to have a roof over your head, or a bed to lie on. Imagine only having a blanket. And now picture that life for a six year old. This is the story of a child in every country of our world. There are children who are forced to survive on their own. Who don't know what it’s like to have a mother or a father. Children that don't come home to dinner on the table, but a mat to weave, so that maybe they can sell it to a man passing by. Children who work all day for just 50 cents. Kids who would die to go to school, but their families cannot afford it. Or maybe children that have all the potential in the world, but throw it away for the easy way out. Kids who are blessed to have what they do but cannot see beyond what more they can get. Kids who were meant to grow up and create a cure for cancer, but instead choose drugs. Children who are bullied to a point of suicide. Children that are broken down day after day by adults, who know better. Why does it have to be this way?

Doesn't this tell you that something is wrong? That something needs to be done? We all must protect the children. Because the children are the adults of the future, and the leaders of tomorrow.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Family Story Part 2: Spence

Every family has their story. For our family it's either the laugh-so-hard-you-cry stories or the stomach twisting, mysterious kind. Unfortunately for you, this isn’t the laugh-so-hard-you-cry sort. I myself don’t clearly remember these unusual events because I was only about two years old, but at the moment I was very aware of what was going on. They say that children can sense things that aren’t visible… and that is true, in my case.

When I was younger, my mom, dad, and I lived in house in Kaneohe. A cozy little house right on the water, which overlooked Coconut Island. It was like living on a houseboat and you could always hear the waves splashing against the back wall.

One afternoon, just after my mom had put me down for a nap and was cleaning the kitchen, she thought she heard something at the door. She went to see who was there, but opened the door to nothing but the wind. “Maybe it was just someone playing a practical joke,” my mom thought. By now the glass door at the back of the house was starting to shake. It sounded like someone wiggling the door back and forth and trying to open it. Since we lived across the bay from Kaneohe Marine Base, she assumed it was just a jet flying overhead. But no jet had ever shaken the house like that before.

That night we ate dinner, played Candy Land and went to bed, but my mom couldn't fall asleep. She got up to go get water when she heard me yell, “Mom! Mom!” “What’s the matter Maile?” she said as I sat wide-awake. “There’s something all around the room” I replied. She told me that it was only a bad dream, but knew that wasn't the truth. My mom rocked me back to sleep in the living room and in doing so saw a light from outside. It looked like a flashlight or maybe the moon. But there was no moon that night and not a trace of anyone standing outside. She couldn’t figure it out. My dad came out to see what all the commotion was. When my mom told him what had happened and what I said, he laughed it off and said to go back to bed.

But my mother could not resist, she just had to unravel this mystery. Unfortunately, I was strapped to her shoulder, which meant, “I was in for the LONG ride” but I didn't know it yet. My mother scurried to the kitchen counter embellished in papers and mail. “Where is the flashlight?” she whispered to herself. I am not sure whether she thought I was asleep or not, but I knew she didn’t need the flashlight just to get a glass of water. Something else was going on. Then I heard her say to herself, “I’ll just get to the bottom of this real quick and go back to sleep.” But that was not going to happen. In fact, she would be lucky to get an ounce of sleep, and that went for me too! I was too terrified to cry or do something to distract her from this doomed plan, for I didn’t know what was out there either. I decided that drawing attention to myself was not a good plan.

Unaware of what she was getting herself into, my mom began to look for a candle. Knowing her luck there was nothing, no flashlight, no candle, only a single match which now seemed worthless. My mom resorted to using the dim light of the night, although she wished to turn on a light in the house, but that would wake my father.

She snuck towards the front door and without making a peep, slowly opened it. Nothing, nobody was there, so she stepped outside to circle the house, assuming it could be someone playing a practical joke. Far from practical it really was. By now I was stone cold, silent as the wind on that dark night, and eyes wide open unable to shut with fright. “If I was to blink, the boogie monster would jump out and get me” I convinced myself. Actually, the boogie monster now seemed nice, compared to what was lurking around our house. Mom reached the back of the house, but the only thing there was the ocean with a tiny light from a boat in the distance. Back to the front door and we could find nothing. In we walked and as my mom locked the door something caught my eye. “Hey” I yelled. “Shhhh Mai--” she started to say, but then noticed that I was pointing to something. On the back sliding glass door was a pair of medium sized hand prints. My mom took a deep breath. Our shadows didn't appear on the door as they usually did, only the outline of the hand prints. I was hoping to hear my mom shaking my arm telling me to wake up but I still found myself in the reality. Facing her fears she walked to the door. As she got closer and closer she could see more and more of the figure standing just outside of the door. Now both my mother and I were face to face with the figure, only the glass door between us. It was the spirit of a young boy. We studied each other for a minute. At first glimpse he had an eerie presence, like he was spying on us, but then appeared softer and looked more like a real person. I blinked to make sure that what I saw was real. Opening my tired eyes, the spirit was now stepping through the glass door. My mom moved backward a step as he came forward. He put his hand up to his face to shade a very faint light coming from the street. His face became very clear and I noticed the cool blue eyes behind his thin simple glasses. He lost his spirit like appearance and now gained a look of liveliness. The young boy, maybe about ten, had come to life. “Spence” he said in a calm voice, pointing to himself. My mom held me tighter than ever before. “Maile” I whispered back.

The living room light flashed on! “Karrie, what are you doing up it’s two o’clock in the morning” my dad said in a strange and confused voice. “Spence” she said pointing behind her, but there was nothing there. He had vanished when the light turned on. My dad shut off the light and hurried us into bed. Just before we turned the corner I saw over my moms shoulder, the boy standing where he was before. “Bye” I whispered but my mom didn't hear me, however Spence waved faintly back at me.

“Maile, Maile, get up we are going to breakfast” my mom said. Rolling around in my bed I said where’s Spence?” My mom told me that I must have been dreaming and that I didn't know a Spence. The look on her face and the sound of her voice sounded fake and as if she were hiding something, but I just believed her anyway. After breakfast we went to Longs to get “a treat”. Dad took me down the isle to go pick out some candy, and my mom went down a different isle. I picked out a pink and purple box of Nerds, but my dad said I couldn’t get them because they were pure sugar. So being a two year old, I ran away down the next isle to see if my mom would let me get them. “Maile! What are you doing over here?” she said in a surprised tone. I could see that she was hiding something behind her back, something green. It was a candle. But why didn't she want me to see it?

Now it was nighttime and I wondered if I would have the same dream about the little boy. I couldn't fall asleep, but remained still in my bed. Thinking that I was asleep my mom crept out of the room. Then I saw a light coming from the living room and quietly my mom returned into the room. Curious as I was I waited for my mom to fall into a deep sleep. As soon as I felt it was safe I snuck out into the living room. On the dining table lay the green candle and next to it the empty match box, the same one that carried the single useless match before. My mom would never light a candle in the middle of the night, “What had gotten into her? What was she trying to keep away? And why not just turn on the light? Would the light have woken me up because of its brightness? And what about my dream where the light made the boy go away? Was it not a dream? Was my mom making it seem like a dream so I wouldn't wonder or be scared?” I had to find out. I blew out the candle and saw a medium set of hand prints on the glass door again... "Hi Spence." I said.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Essential Question 2: What can I do to make the world a better place?

I have seen and thought about a lot tonight. So for now I am going to change my essential question from Who am I, to What can I do make the world a better place? Seeing what people have gone through really made me think. i have all my life to figure out who I am, but I cannot help those who need it now in ten years. Peace and poverty are daily crisis's that require attention. Unfortunately, we are not being told the facts. I have learned so much in one day, that if everyone understood what it would be like they would make an impact. Watching what is going on around the world made me motivated to write about these subjects. Anyone can fight the fight. With wars going on and people fighting over material things, we all need a little inspiration. Personally I myself found some little helpers around the globe. They are my heroes and inspired me to write about such problems.

CHILDREN FOR PEACE...who make a difference

These are the Children for Peace. Whether holding a sign or just believing, they have a impacted me. I saw how even small things could be so successful. It is true, anything is better than nothing. This is what they mean to me:

C hildren
H appiness
I nspiring
L ove
D irect
R eliability
E ffective
N ever ending

F reedom
O riginality
R espect

P eace
E qual
A mazing
C aring
E mpathy

Essential Question 1: Poverty

For this post I am going to change my essential question to focus on kids all around the world. Something like, What will make a child's life unforgettable? Instead, of focusing on myself I would like to view things from the eyes of others. It has made me realize how lucky I am to have a roof over my head and best of all, a family to always love me. I have watched many videos today that were extremely shocking. I have seen kids who aren't out of diapers yet and don't have a home to live in. Kids who are ill and struggle daily. Kids who would cry out of joy, for receiving just a Barbie, something so simple as that is the highlight of their day. Children who don't know what it's like to have a mom or dad. Just having food on the table is a blessing. It is hard to imagine how truly lucky we all are. And to those who work to make these children's lives better everyday, you are the greatest heroes of all.

This video tells what is really happening around the world. Africa has a major poverty crisis which needs to be addressed immediately. It explains everything that needs to be said. One dreadful fact I found about poverty was that if we supplied 6.3 billion people in the world with food, there would be 200 million still in need. That has to tell you that something is wrong and needs to be done. Hopefully this clip will inspire you to make a difference.

Please watch this is the TRUTH
You can visit to sign a petition to make poverty history. You do not have to pay a fee, just type your name in and it will be a great help. 2 million have already signed, but they are still looking for more. It is a reliable site and everthing goes towards poverty in Africa. So please check it out.