Sunday, May 6, 2007

Act 1 Scene 1&2

As Act 1 Scene 1 begins, Theseus, the duke, and Hippolyta are making their wedding arrangements. In come Egeus, Hermia, Demetrius, and Lysander. Egeus brings the news of his daughter, Hermia, who has fallen in love with Lysander, instead of her father’s preference, Demetrius. Egeus pressured Theseus to force Hermia to follow his orders and marry Demetrius, become a nun, or die for disobeying. Hermia tries to reason with her father and Theseus that Lysander would make a fine husband for her. Theseus tells Hermia to think about her choices and report back to him the next day. He exits the room along with Egeus and Demetrius, leaving Hermia and Lysander together. Hermia and Lysander make plans to get married and flee to a place free from the Athenian law. They come upon Helena, spilling out their devious plans of marriage to her. Helena, jealous of Demetrius’ love for Hermia, devises to tell Demetrius in spite of gaining his love for herself.

Transitioning into Scene 2, the Pyramus and Thisbe play preparations for Theseus and Hippolyta’s wedding are being made. Bottom is to play Pyramus, and Flute is to play Thisbe. Confident Bottom announces that he should play the part of both Pyramus and Thisbe, continuing on to perform both roles. Quince, the director, gives out the rest of the parts, turning down Bottom’s request. Robin Starveling plays Thisbe’s mother. Snout, the tinker, must play Pyramus’ father. Lastly, Snug will play the lion. Bottom once again exclaims that he should play the lions part too, but Quince rejects him. Finishing giving out the roles, Quince schedules the next rehearsal at the Duke’s Oak.

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